The AP Chapter of Indian Society of Nephrology was inaugurated in 2015 at a meeting held at the Vijayawada club, Vijayawada by Dr. N. Ammanna, Dr.T.Ravi raju and Dr.R.Ram. A separate Constitution was framed, based on the Constitution of the ISN. Dr.T.Raviraju was unanimously elected as the first president and Dr.V.Sivakumar was the vice-president of APSN.

ISN - The AP Chapter Objective

The main objective of the Chapter were to present the free papers and scientific materials a few months before the meeting of the Indian Society of Nephrology - southern chapter, so that the members of the AP Chapter would have ample opportunity to discuss their research papers and up-date their knowledge in Nephrology. Over the years we have grown out of the shadow of the ISNSC to have an identity of our own ,with the increasing number of original research papers presented and the number of eminent faculty being invited to take part in the Annual CME.The other objectives of the Chapter are to promote scientific programs in nephrology like co-operative research programmes; public awareness programmes; to suggest various schemes and plans to Educational Institutions, Universities, Medical Councils and the Governments, for improvement of patient-care and implementing development programmes, in connection with the science of nephrology and its allied illness and remedial measures. It also has an objective of acting as data-collection and preservation centre of various kidney diseases, dialysis and transplants from Andhra Pradesh.

Since its Inception, The AP Chapter has been making steady progress, not only in its expansion by increasing memberships but truly in the scientific objectives to which it has committed , justifying its conceptualization, Continuing Medical Educational Programmes are being conducted on a regular basis.

The AP Chapter in concurrence with the its sister and parent Chapter has an erstwhile role in assisting the Government in the policies related to Organ Donation. It is unfortunate that so much of good work done is lost due to the absence of an organized documentation and maintenance of registries. Hence the APSN is coming up with a state of art website which also comprises of a renal registry that includes, AKI, CKD, Glomerular Diseases, Dialysis and Kidney Transplant.

With leaping scientific advances especially in the field of transplant immunology, the easy access to the developments aided by information technology through the internet, the increasing number of young nephrologists, the Chapter has exciting years ahead , promised with challenges to prove the worthiness of its existence.

Dr. G.Siva Rama Krishna
Gen Secretary APSN
Associate Professor,
Guntur Medical College,

Ph No:  94908 08156