The President

The President shall be the overall in-charge of the policies and directions of the Society and be the spokesman of the Society at national and international forums. President shall preside over all ordinary and extraordinary meetings of the Governing Body and the General Body and over the inaugural and valedictory functions of the Annual Conference. The President will deliver a Presidential address at the inaugural function of the Annual Conference.


The Hony. Secretary shall be subject to the directions and regulation of the Governing Body.The Secretary will maintain the correspondence of the Society. He will have administrative control of the office. The Secretary shall maintain the minutes of all meetings and perform all the tasks incidental to the office.

 Convene meetings of the Governing Body whenever necessary or called upon to do so.

 Have administrative control over the affairs of the Society.

 Have charge of the correspondence of or in relation to the Society.

 Keep accurate minutes of the meetings of the Society, Governing Body and Committees thereof.

 Prepare the Annual Report of the Society.

 Be in charge of the furniture, library and all documents and other assets of the Society.

 Collect all dues of the Society and pay in all such amounts into the banking account of the Society, and inform the treasurer once in every month of the money so paid.

 Make disbursement and maintain vouchers, provided that any expenditure exceeding Rs. 5000/- in a month shall be made after obtaining the sanctioning of the Governing Body.

 Perform all such duties as are incidental to his office.

 All notices, communications, letters memoranda and ther papers, whether they are acts of the Governing Body or of any officer of the Society shall be signed or authenticated by the Hony. Secretary and when so signed or authenticated shall be conclusive.


The treasurer shall maintain the accounts and finances of the Society. Once at least in every year the accounts of the Society shall be examined by one or more registered accountants.

All cheques shall be signed by any of the following: – The Secretary and the Treasurer, if needed by the President.•

Annual General Body Meeting

The Annual General Body Meeting shall be held each year during the Annual Conference of the Society. The President shall preside over the meeting. In her or his absence, the meeting will be chaired by the Senior Vice President and in his or her absence the immediate next senior, and in her or his absence by Vice President senior most Member of the Governing Body elected by the members present in the meeting. The notice of the meeting and the agenda thereof shall be posted to all the members at least 30 days before the date of the meeting.

 The Governing Body shall submit an Annual Report of the Proceedings of the Governing Body and its Committees, if any and of the activities of the Society together with a statement of the assets and liabilities of the Society and an abstract of receipts and disbursement during the year, and the Report of the Auditors, if any.

 On receipt of a request the President, may, whenever he thinks fit, and shall, upon a requisition made in writing and signed by not less than 1/10 the members of the Society, convene a Special General Meeting at such place he may decide. Any requisition made by the members shall state the object of the Special Meeting proposed to be called and shall be addressed to the Hony. Secretary. The quorum for such a meeting will be 30 numbers.

 The Hony. Secretary shall on receipt of such a requisition proceed to convene under orders of the President a Special General Meeting which shall be held within sixty days from the date of receipt of such requisition at a place and time fixed by the President.

  The Secretary shall present the minutes of the previous meeting of the General Body, a report of the activities of the Society in the preceding year and summary of the deliberations of the Governing Body meetings.

 The Treasurer shall present an audited report of the accounts of the Society.

  At all General Meeting only the business of which notices have been given or such questions as naturally arise thereon shall be discussed. Any member desiring to move a resolution at the Annual General Meeting shall give notice of the same in writing to the Secretary at least 30 days before the date fixed for the General Meeting.

  10% of total members present at a General Meeting shall be the quorum for that meeting.

  If within half an hour from the time appointed for a General Meeting the quorum is not present the meeting if convened on the requisition of members shall be dissolved, and in any other case shall stand adjourned to a later hour in the same day and place or the next day as fixed by Chairperson.

 The person presiding over the General Meeting may with the consent of the members adjourn the same for some time and to another place but no business shall be transacted at any place of meeting other than the business left unfinished at meeting from which the adjournment took place.

  No quorum shall be necessary for any adjourned General Meeting.

 Subject to the law for the time being in force, the resolutions passed in a General Body Meeting shall be given effect to by the officers of the Society.

  Every item brought the discussion in the Governing or General Body meetings shall be decided according to the majority of votes cast by the members present and voting at such meeting. In case of equality of votes the person presiding shall have second / casting vote in addition to his vote as a member.

 Once at least in every year the accounts of the Society shall be examined and audited and their correctness ascertained by one or more registered accountants appointed for the ensuring year by the members at the Annual General Meeting each year. The report of the auditor or auditors shall form part of the Annual Report submitted to the next following General Meeting. The Auditors of the Society shall hold office until the next Annual General Body Meeting. The Retiring Auditor or Auditors shall be paid such remuneration or honorarium as the members may fix at the Annual General Meeting at which such auditors or auditors may be appointed.

Any notice required by these rules may be given by address mentioned in the register of members and the same shall be deemed to have been received by the addressee on the date on which it would have reached him in the ordinary course of post.

Annual Conference of the Society

Members of the Society may request the President or the Secretary in writing to have the privilege of organising the forthcoming Annual Conference. The final decision of the venue of the Conference shall rest with the General Body. In the absence of suitable offer, the General Body may request an individual member to undertake the responsibility. At the annual meeting of the General Body the venue and the organising secretaries of the conference for the next two years may be decided.

The Organising Secretary shall remit to the Society part of the suitable portion of the funds remaining after all expenses for the conference are accounted for.

The Scientific Committee

While the physical organisation of the conference will be in the hands of the Organising Secretary the Governing Body shall nominate five members of the Society to serve on the Scientific Committee. Honorary General Secretary will be the Convenor of the Scientific Committee and President will also be a member of the committee. One of the members will be nominated as a Chairperson. The function of the Committee will be to screen the free papers and posters submitted for the annual Congress. The committee will also be responsible for selection of the candidates for various awards and orations of the Society. The list of candidates recommended for these awards and orations will be forwarded to the Governing Body for final decision. The term up this committee will be for a period of three years.

Academic Wings

The Society may consider forming one or more academic wings under the frame work of the Society to carry out academic and research activities.

Repeal of Rules / Additions / Deletions

Subject to the law for the time in force, the members in General Meeting shall have power to add, to vary or to repeal any of the provisions contained in these rules, provided that such addition, variation or repeal is effected by means of a resolution of which due notice shall have been given and which shall be assented to by the vote of at least three-fourths of the number of members present at the meeting.

The Income and Property

The income and property of the Society whensoever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion for the objects of the society as set forth in this memorandum of Society.

Properties, Credits and Liabilities

True accounts shall be kept of the sums of money and other articles or things received in respect of which receipts and expenditures take place and of the properties, credits, and liabilities of the Society and subject to any reasonable restrictions, as to the time and manner of inspecting the same that may be imposed in accordance with the rules of the Society for the time being in force, the same shall be open to inspection of the members.

Dissolution of the Society

The Society can be dissolved if the ¾ of the total membership of the Society in a meeting for the convened purpose decide so. If on the dissolution of the Society there shall remain after the satisfaction of the debts and liabilities any property, whatsoever, the same shall not be paid or distributed amongst the members of the Society. It shall be given to some other society or association having similar objects.